Tuesday, April 27, 2010

4 months!

Wow! Time has sure passed quickly! We can hardly believe that our lil' man is 4 months already. He has changed so much in such a short period of time. Luke now weighs 18 lbs. (Can you believe it?)
He loves to coo, talk, smile, kick his lil' legs, and jump around. Luke still loves to cuddle (melts my heart.) He has just discovered how to blow bubbles.

Sometimes it's a combination of a bubbles/drool. Luke is not a pacifer fan. He preferes to suck on his index and thumb.
I think he's going to be a leftie. He typically favors that hand when he's reaching for things. Luke's trying to figure out the whole rolling thing. He typically rolls from side to side, but hasn't figured out how to get onto his stomach yet. Luke loves to scoot around the floor laying on his back by pushing with his legs. Matt has been introducing him to different food. So far he loves Watermelon!

I just can't get over how big he's getting!

1 comment:

Reading Family said...

Wow! Time sure has flown by fast and Luke is getting so big. He is one solid boy! Oh, and I noticed that Luke has the same jungle play mat thing that Natalie does. Don't you just love introducing new foods to them?!