Malinda said that Arkansas was known for it's fried food, and boy was she right! We had hushpuppies, corn fritters, fried okra, fried catfish, fried sweet potato pie, fried green tomatoes, and even a fried twinkie! The food was great shown by 5 pounds we all gained!
Yummy fried twinkie!
We went to this rustic resturant that hoovered right over the bayou. It was built in 1910 and I thought we were going to plunge into the bayou at any moment. The food was amazing! Their big claim to fame was that it's one of Bill Clinton's favorite resturants in Arkansas.
Luke and Uncle Wooky at the resturant.
As you can see, this place is pretty popular!The bayou
We went to the museum of agriculture which was neat. We saw some indian mounds. There was this indian tribe that built these really huge mounds for ceremonies as well as using it to tell if it was the winter or summer solistice.
We fed turtles (which was one of my favorite things we did there),
did some shopping, and visited Hot Springs Arkansas (it used to be the popular spa hangout for the mobsters back in the 20's-30's.) It was such a fun trip, hot, but fun! Thanks Malinda for being such a great hostess!
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